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Immagine del redattore: MaxFerrari@AdminBWEMaxFerrari@AdminBWE

Aggiornamento: 24 gen 2019

Eseguiamo skins o video di vario genere realtivo all'esport potete contattarci tramite il relativo modulo

Potete trovare alcune foto dei lavori da noi realizzati nella sezione BW_SKINS gestita dal nostro Designer Luca Pacini .

Per eventuali info usare il relativo form _email cliccando qui

We perform skins or video of various kinds of reality in the export you can contact us through the relative form

You can find some photos of the works we made in the BW_SKINS section managed by our Designer Luca Pacini.

For any info use the relevant _email form by clicking here



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BadWolvesEsport was born from the spirit of union of some friends who are passionate about engines, racing and the scent of octane.


Our desire to compare ourselves in the simracing landscape has led us to create the team 悪 い オ オ カ ミ.


Our philosophy is loyalty, respect for those who are on track beyond sporting results.


The emotion of the first time remains in all races, qualifications, tests that we do ...

focused on improving  and living  this experience with love .....


Ayrton Senna said I'm not a car, not they are unbeatable; simply motoring is part of me, of my body. Four wheels, a seat, a steering wheel............

All Rights Reserved BadWolvesEsport © 2017-2020 BADWOLVESESPORT

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